大潤發 RT-Mart

by RT-MART 大潤發



RT-Mart official version RT-GO APP V 2.0, 2020 interface optimization and function update!

APP新功能大潤發景平店快快送1. 下單後最快一小時內送達2. 全天 24 小時可線上訂購3. 支援 Line pay / 信用卡付款4. 訂單狀態可即時追蹤掌握5. 精選生鮮商品售價與門店同步APP簡介為了帶給顧客最棒的購物體驗,我們持續改進現有的商業模式、不斷創新,讓我們一起改變生活。【生鮮商品最快一小時送到家】打開手機隨時下單,精選生鮮商品幫你快速送到家!【掃描購 Scan & Go】購物可以有多時尚?直接用手機掃描付款,邊掃邊買不用等!走路都有風!【更多功能】- 預約活動 3 分鐘搞定- 最新優惠即時掌握- 當期型錄隨身帶著走- 紅利折抵一目了然- 消費紀錄通通有- E 化會員輕鬆購APP new featuresRT-Mart Jingping Store1. Delivery within one hour after the order is placed2. Order online 24 hours a day3. Support Line pay / credit card payment4. Order status can be tracked immediately5. The price of selected fresh products is synchronized with the storeAPP IntroductionIn order to bring the best shopping experience to our customers, we continue to improve our existing business models, innovate continuously, and let us change our lives together.[Fresh goods delivered to home as fast as an hour]Open your mobile phone to place an order at any time, and select fresh products to help you get home quickly![Scan & Go]How stylish can shopping be? Scan the payment directly with your mobile phone, dont wait while scanning! Windy on foot!【More features】-Schedule an event in 3 minutes-Stay up to date with the latest offers-Take your current catalog with you-Bonus discounts at a glance-Consumption records-Easy purchase for E-members感謝您使用 大潤發 RT-Mart! 本次更新修正了部分用戶無法使用Linepay的問題。

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Pixel 6 pro 設定在狀態列上...按不到 Scan Go完成不會自動跳QR code很難用


語言請讓使用者設定 螢幕上方操控跟手機status bar打架的低級問題居然一年多都沒解決?! 登入一直不能購買一直說我的位置不對沒有店。強制用手機位置來取決送貨位置也是神邏輯。 整體來說無法用。叫貨送到家真的不如換家樂福省事。App真的太爛,要逛產品還會丟你去網站。直接開chrome應該比較好?無言。

a user


Will Lo


Wang Shengkai


Michael Lai

Linepay壞掉了,英文翻譯問題一堆 不如改回舊版


無法使用line pay,只會叫你去下載line app.完全沒辦法結帳。英文是用機器翻譯的就被要推出了吧

Jack Kuo

1. 英文介面翻譯錯誤百出,中文介面有簡體中文。 2. 掃描購無法使用Line Pay,只會導到Play Store去下載Line。

Sherlock Kuo


Sam Huang

用uber eats送的貨,真是措手不及的快,2小時內就送到了!!

Kuanling Jou